Greg is an accomplished entertainment professional with over a decade of experience spanning networks, studios, and freelance projects. A self-proclaimed "creative chameleon," Greg thrives in dynamic environments, bringing a proven track record of success across diverse roles.

With years of wearing multiple hats and collaborating cross-functionally within networks and corporate settings, Greg offers a 360-degree perspective on creative projects. He dives in with passion, seamlessly shifting between big-picture strategy and meticulous attention to detail. For Greg, every project begins with identifying its “north star”—the tone and intention that guide every creative decision. He believes consistency is the cornerstone of impactful campaigns.

Outside of work, Greg channels his creativity into personal passions. Whether filming comedy shorts or music videos, hosting live backyard variety shows, writing at a local coffee shop, or enjoying concerts with friends, he embraces every moment. And if he’s not there, chances are he’s somewhere petting a dog.